I’d been building up to my first craft fair for a few weeks and was delighted to get the table layout working well with just one hour for setup. Having tried it out at home a couple of times on the dining room table I soon realised that just a few inches difference to the width of the table made a whole load of difference to the layout.Thank goodness for the small side table which I had brought along thinking it would be useful behind the scenes for my cash box and wrapping up purchases. Instead it was used for display of some of my better items, the cafetiere cosies, which many people loved.

I learned a few tips and tricks too – and can see now there’s way too much ‘stuff’ on my table. People were finding it difficult to locate my cards even when I pointed to them! It was really difficult to keep things in the bag as I wanted everything I’d made to be on display – newbie error.

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My location within the hall was good with lots of natural light but I don’t think the locale or type of event was quite right. I did meet some lovely people from age 7 upwards and quite a few felters who recognised what I was making. We had some good conversations about the joys and perils of wet felting. Just what do you do, though, when someone is more interested in the flowers used for decoration than in all the gorgeous felt in front of their eyes? She chose a stem of silk poppies but didn’t even want to pay the shop price for them!

And thank you! to the lovely lady who purchased a flower brooch. If I can make one sale, I can make hundreds.

So it was a success in the experience and what it taught me about selling my gorgeous felted lovelies rather than in the quantity of sales but hey! I’m just getting started here.

4 thoughts on “Craft Fair Success

  1. Your work is lovely and what a terrific range of products you make. I’m sure you will make plenty of sales if you keep plugging away, it’s just a case of finding the right fair for your particular craft.


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